Science Is Under Attack!
Science. I love it, and if I had to guess, I would say you do, too. After all - that is why you are here, isn't it? Just stop and think for a minute about all the ways that science affects your life and is a force for good. I bet if I asked you to list them all, you could come up with quite a few. Or maybe not. Maybe you take science for granted. It's part of modern life, and it's certainly very easy to just accept that science happens. And that's fine.
The problem is that there is an ever growing number of people out there who don't think science is a force for good. They don't see how science has improved our lives. Worse still - they just refuse to trust scientists. You're not one of those people. Are you?
Because if I was to ask them what they thought of science, they wouldn't be listing the innumerable positives. No,...